Casa Torres Amat Interpretation Centre

Sallent Town Council
  • Casa Torres Amat 1
  • Casa Torres Amat 2
  • Casa Torres Amat 3
  • Casa Torres Amat 4

Set design and an audiovisual using motion graphics to inaugurate the ground floor of the Casa Torres Amat in Sallent as an interpretation centre

This museographic project has made it possible to recover the ground floor of Casa Torres Amat and turn it into an interpretation centre to raise awareness of Antoni Torres Amat from Sallent and two of his partners, Joan Vilaregut and Josep Bonaplata (also linked to Sallent), as great promoters of the industrial revolution in Catalonia.

Designed and carried out by Transversal, this interpretative space has recreated a scenography that simulates the warehouse of an old textile factory from the 19th century, with a remarkable collection of cotton bales.

By means of two projectors, programmed in parallel and synchronously, visitors learn first-hand about the epic adventure of Jaume Vilaregut and the ups and downs he had to overcome to bring, from London to Sallent, the very first mechanical loom in Catalonia and Spain, which would operate in the factory built by Antoni Torres.

The audiovisual is based on images and animations inspired by comics, using motion graphics.