Museum of Illustration

Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País


Insausti Palace. Azkoitia (Guipúzcoa)

  • Museo de la Ilustración 0
  • Museo de la Ilustración 1
  • Museo de la Ilustración 2
  • Museo de la Ilustración 3
  • Museo de la Ilustración 4
  • Museo de la Ilustración 5
  • Museo de la Ilustración 6
  • Museo de la Ilustración 7

A museum on the Illustration and state of the art technology

The main theme of this museum project is the Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País: its history, work, key people, international and state relations. This organisation originated in the mid-18th century and the museographic project focuses on its initial stage, up to 1804, proposing a journey into the past and to the society's activities at that time.

The division is made based on the days of the week, showing the activities carried out by the society: music, trade, science, drama... with representations provided by state of the art installations and audiovisual techniques. The decor of the rooms has been preserved but the windows will become audiovisuals, the transparent fabrics will come alive, there will be 3D holograms, large format projections, etc.