Interpretation centre of the county of Anoia

Igualada Council/Igualada County Museum



  • Centre d'Interpretació de la Comarca de l'Anoia 0
  • Centre d'Interpretació de la Comarca de l'Anoia 1
  • Centre d'Interpretació de la Comarca de l'Anoia 2
  • Centre d'Interpretació de la Comarca de l'Anoia 3
  • Centre d'Interpretació de la Comarca de l'Anoia 4

Advanced technological tools to recreate the past, present and future of Anoia

The project for the interpretation centre of Igualada and the county of Anoia is based on an existing museological project that has been adapted using latest generation technological techniques, maintaining the historical and cultural thoroughness demanded combined with an attractive interpretive proposal related both to tourism and culture.

The project is divided into two broad areas: the first reviews the history of Anoia, zooming into specific historical moments that were crucial for the county. The second consists of a large format audiovisual entitled “Landscapes and people”. Made up of a multi-projection on a large oval screen that helps to create a remarkable atmosphere and complemented with projections superimposed on smaller screens via back-projection.