Annual report

Caixa Manresa



  • Memòria Caixa Manresa 0
  • Memòria Caixa Manresa 1

Impressive image based on iconographic elements for the corporate annual report of Caixa Manresa

As part of the communication management for Caixa Manresa, Grup Transversal was in charge of creating the design and producing the company's Corporate Annual Report for 2008.

The challenge was to create an impressive, interesting graphic proposal, for which a previously created image was used, as part of the campaign entitled "Being big isn't a question of size", based on iconographic elements and pictograms, unlike previous reports where most of the graphic work had relied on photographs.

The annual report summarises the activity of Caixa Manresa, both in terms of business and its Community Work. The commission also included writing the texts and processing the data provided by the company.