A museum tour of the Torres de Fals (towers of Fals). Frontier castle

Fonollosa Town Council
Torres de Fals. Fonollosa
  • Torres de Fals. Castell de Frontera 1
  • Torres de Fals. Castell de Frontera 2
  • Torres de Fals. Castell de Frontera 3
  • Torres de Fals. Castell de Frontera 4
  • Torres de Fals. Castell de Frontera 5
  • Torres de Fals. Castell de Frontera 5
  • Torres de Fals. Castell de Frontera 7

An interpretation centre with museum resources that are minimally invasive and respectful of heritage to highlight the value of Les Torres de Fals

The museum project for the site of Les Torres de Fals forms part of the actions carried out in recent years to promote the historical, cultural and architectural heritage of the municipality of Fonollosa and, specifically, the "Torres de Fals".
The main aim of the spaces, designed, museumised and put into operation by Grup Transversal, is to convert a visit to this heritage site into an experience that connects visitors with the importance of borderlands and their strategic constructions (castles, bridges, towers...). The visit also focuses on the life of the inhabitants of Fals and the economic and power relations between the different political and religious factions, an aspect of the region that was deemed very important in order to truly understand its history.
The proposed tour combines a free visit to the surrounding area, which is signposted in order to understand the whole architectural complex, with a previously arranged visit to the interpretation centre of the Church of Sant Vicenç, where visitors can find out all about the history of the Fals towers and a particularly important period in the area's history, thanks to the last will and testament of Viscountess Engonça. Inside, the visit combines information panels, signage, scriptoriums and an audiovisual in mapping format projected in the presbytery.