ISGlobal Videos

Sinergia Value for ISGlobal
  • ISGlobal 1
  • ISGlobal 2
  • ISGlobal 3
  • ISGlobal 4
  • ISGlobal 5

Tools for a shared narrative

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) is an organisation specialising in research into medicine and health based in Barcelona that brings together the investigative work of universities, hospitals and research centres from all over the world. ISGlobal represents excellence in research in the field of global health, generating scientific knowledge and transfer through training and both local and global development.
The wide range of backgrounds and locations of the institute's workers required internal communication whose design was the responsibility of Sinergia Value, which in turn commissioned Transversal to create two audiovisual pieces that could be used as tools to generate a cohesive narrative for all the organisation's members. 
The complexity of ISGlobal's work and its scope required a common language and single narrative that would help all areas of this large institution to explain their mission and approach in a unified way.
Two videos were made: a Corporate Video using motion graphics that explains the work of ISGlobal in a user-friendly and graphic way, highlighting the crucial role played by people in its work; and a second Tutorial Video that serves as a common tool for all members of the institute to explain their mission and build their arguments.
Transversal was responsible for the scripts, design, shooting, animation and post-production of both videos.