Central Catalonia Global Geopark Visitor Centre

Regional Council of the Bages and Catalonia Global Geopark
  • Centre de visitants del Geoparc de la Catalunya Central 0
  • Centre de visitants del Geoparc de la Catalunya Central 1
  • Centre de visitants del Geoparc de la Catalunya Central 2
  • Centre de visitants del Geoparc de la Catalunya Central 4
  • Centre de visitants del Geoparc de la Catalunya Central 5

A new visitor centre that explains the area's geological, cultural and touristic richness

The Central Catalonia Global Geopark is an exceptional geographical area with spectacular geology of international importance and recognised by UNESCO. The aim of this visitor centre is to highlight and raise awareness of the different facilities and locations that form part of the Geopark.
Grup Transversal's mission was to design and implement the museographic project to adapt the old facility and transform it into the Central Catalonia Global Geopark Visitor Centre. To this end, all the exterior signage elements were renovated and then, inside, the exhibition space was museumised with a specially created audiovisual display and backlit light boxes to display the richness of the Geopark's territory. 
The audiovisual, called "We're Nature", explains how the area was physically formed, from 40 million years ago up to the present day. Resources such as motion graphics and illustrations, combined with images recorded by drone, are used to display the main tourist attractions, the park's wonderful natural beauty and singular features.