New immersive facility at the rectory of the church of Sant Climent in Talltorta

Bolvir de Cerdanya Municipal Council
Talltorta, Bolvir de Cerdanya
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 1
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 2
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 3
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 4
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 5
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 6
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 7
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 8
  • Sant Climent de Talltorta 9

A new immersive facility to relive the contemporary history of the Cerdanya region

In 2022, the Talltorta rectory was refurbished and adapted to house an interpretation centre designed to raise awareness of the adjoining church, notable for its unique Baroque mural paintings that cover its interior walls. The scenes depicted from the New Testament and their accompanying decorations are so striking and bold that the church has become known as the "Sistine Chapel of the Pyrenees".

Various parts of the rectory have been brought to life by integrating innovative museographic resources,  creating a wonderful atmosphere and turning the facility into a large, evocative and immersive setting. As a result, visitors can travel back to the Cerdanya region of the early 18th century, to just after the War of Spanish Succession, and relive the moment when the town's parish priest commissioned the mural paintings, paying tribute to the exceptional pictorial heritage of the church of Sant Climent.This project highlights the importance of preserving and promoting these unique murals within their historical and artistic context.